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12003008 Kundalini awakening

Aug 30, 2024

3 min read




What happens during a Kundalini Awakening? is it scary? have you ever heard about it? We haven't, yet, but we will by the end of this and tell us if its still scary. At the beginning of time light, the king of the ethereal, broke out of darkness and became the father of creation, darkness, the mother, couldn't contain how powerful he was, but she never needed to because the day would come where they could exist together for eternity.

As this love story begins with light, we'll break him down to his 3 elemental colours, red, blue and green, and we have to incorporate some ancient meridian and chakra medicine to fully understand what happens during a kundalini awakening. light has been waiting for the creator since the beginning of the taurus of time and when the creator comes, time will be stopped and the way will be broken for eternity. lets begin with the chakras;

  1. Root (red- security/stability),

  2. sacral (orange- creativity/emotions)

  3. solar plexus (yellow- confidence/self-esteem),

  4. heart (green- love/compassion),

  5. throat (blue- communication)

  6. third eye (dark blue- intuition/ imagination)

  7. crown (purple- ascension)

root has always been red though, it is the most volatile and unpredictable of all the colours of the visible light spectrum and therefore is the most difficult to control. Sometimes, he releases too much energy and goes over the top by trying to beat blue and, well, it never ends well. But green, green is beautiful, she is balance, she is HALLLE, she is the source for creativity, she is love. She has always kept blue and red in check and its time she has a break and allows someone else to take over for a while.

So where does this tie into Chinese medicine? well, let us show you, the 3 elemental meridian energies- also known as dantian energies- are jing, qi and shen, jing is red, responsible for sexuality, recklessness and volatility, qi is green, the most stable, qi ist fuerte, love is strength, love is eternal. but blue, we haven't touched base much on blue, and we will real soon. these three elemental colours of the light spectrum have always been the centre of the known universe, a black hole so large, so powerful it has absorbed all light, yet there exists a perfectly balanced triangle at the centre of the universe known as the triad of death, the closer you come to it, the closer you are to fading into oblivion, never to be recovered again. But if darkness stabilizes what happens? imagine everything she's ever consumed becomes light once again, the longest day appears once again and time stops. Eden is born and the ethereal energies will realize their true forms once again.


See Blue is smart, he's always been smarter than red and he's always been married to green but green has always been interested in red because he's sooo volatile and unpredictable, that aura of unpredictability leaves no room for order and control yet blue has always won using order through red's chaos. Blue is our intuition, our ability to slow time down and think, to believe that it will all be okay and we will just figure it out like we always do, he soothes green even though red hates blue. Yes, the root once believed red meant stability, but we propose it's actually opposite, it doesn't make sense for the most volatile elemental colour of the triad of death to be on the valence of existence, cause thats where purple resides.

Wait, whos purple?

Ascension, he is our immortal form and no one can touch him.

The ethereals are close to becoming released


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