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130008092024 Psychopathy

Sep 8, 2024

2 min read




09000109- Psychopathy

Key traits: lack of empathy and remorse, manipulativeness and deceitfulness, impulsivity and recklessness, superficial charm and grandiose sense of self-worth

Our goal is to convince the world that psychopathy is necessary to pursue positions of responsibility. Any current leader is a psychopath. They must be able to sign off on proposed bills even if it means there may be a 75//25 split between the haters and the hated (this is under ideal conditions). They must demonstrate a superficial charm towards those who disagree with their decisions and prerogatives. They must be patient under times of great stress so that all of the world may have a leader who understands the price of progression, for the greater good of humanity.

But what if psychopathy could not only be justified but sought after in selecting candidates for positions of power? What if being manipulative and deceitful is necessary to shielding true intentions, especially if the true intentions are truly and honestly pure? Is psychopathy a bad thing if it is merely a tool required to shield your intentions from your enemies? Not only this, “superficial charm and grandiose sense of self-worth are also traits of psychopaths”- anyone who believes they could become the light must believe that they are impenetrable to all external stressors. Imagine a wall in which the forces of darkness may repel off of, to envision themselves an orb of pure light coming straight from a core of pure intentions in which darkness will never be able to breach because there is no other force in the world as powerful as light, to repel darkness.

Where does impulsivity and recklessness come into play? We believe it has naught to do with psychopathy rather the recombination of multiple other “mental health conditions” such as ADHD, autism or OCD. Anyone with these disorders, as long as they may be taught how to control them, may understand the value of containing that energy, that qi, and redirecting it, using psychopathy as a tool to guide, to protect those one holds most dear, in pursuit of freedom and the greater good of humanity.

At Hallle, we believe psychopathy is a necessary tool to understand and maintain at a distance such that the corruption of such a concept never breaches the core of our purity. It is one of the most powerful tools of humanity and will remain just that as we steam ahead towards the future.


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