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Python #4- 1st CNN

Sep 9, 2024

1 min read




Today we are happy to announce the 1st CNN has been functionally verified by our development team! As simple as it is, very few understand how complex Convolutional Neural Network programming is and not just this, but creating the correct virtual environment to construct such a graphically sophisticated feat within a month and a half. In month #1, we ensured the correct libraries (tensorflow, matplotlib, pandas, scikit-learn, astropy, etc.) were installed via the command admin terminal within the core computer interface. Then we had to ensure the correct application (Pycharm) was ready to install the libraries, next, we had to ensure the correct programming language was prepared and libraries were installed within the correct virtual environment with the correct pathways constructed. After quite a bit of uneducated tinkering, voila, a suitable environment in which we can safely code a CNN or whatever else we decide to run within the program!

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